Building biology is a worldwide discipline which deals with the capacity of indoor spaces to promote a healthy life. The criteria used is based on the guidelines established by Baubiologie.
The consultant services aim to detect all factors which affect in a negative maNner the building biology parameters. The scope is to implement an action plan in order to correct the highlighted issues, always including the individuals participation.
Consultancy on spaces and projects
Our consultant service begins with an assessment of the current situation in relation to the individual’s health. This involves a diverse measurement which will give objective data. This data is then offered in a report in which it is analyzed alongside a proposal for improvement.
The report’s conclusions are presented to the individual to educate them so that they become the instigator of the improvements of their own space.
Offered to all individuals, groups of people, companies or institutions which want to improve their space, either housing or office, with a view to improving the overall health.
Project assessment specially focused on the proposed materials and systems, with the purpose of detecting the possible influences on health. A report of all improvement propositions is presented.
Offered to architects, building professionals, building companies and investors (either private or public).
IEB official building biology consultants
As an official consultancy on building biology by IEB we consult projects under the protocols and criteria of the Instituto Español de Baubiologie.