Brogginale ‘22 :To what extent will the cities of the future be utopian or dystopian?

WHAT: workshop Cities, houses and health, what is the natural environment of people ?

WHERE: Institut Moisès Broggi (Clot-Camp de l’Arpa, Barcelona)

WHEN: Wednesday 14th june 2022


The Brogginale is a day of reflection, research and cooperative creation of first-year high school students organized annually by the Moisès Broggi Institute.

The 2022 edition revolves around: To what extent will the cities of the future be utopian or dystopian?

Biohabita! We have contributed by opening a debate on what is the ideal place to live, and what may be the response of the urban environment to our needs: Cities, houses and health, what is the natural environment of people?

Students from the branches of science, technology, humanities, social, art and Batxibac (international) took part.