Electrosmoke mesurement in an appartment previous to its refurbishment in Barcelona (Sant Gervasi).
Electrosmoke mesurement in an appartment previous to its refurbishment in Barcelona (Sant Gervasi).
The reference values follow the SBM-2015 of the IEB-IBN, except in the case of VOCs that follow the recommendations from Kaiterra.
Regarding the alternanting electric fields measured with the free potential method the readings were strong: 5,1 V/m in a bedroom due to the electric wiring from the neighbour.
Regarding the alternating magnetic fields the readings were weakly significant: 38 nT in a bedroom.
Regarding the electromagnetic waves the readings were strong: 720 µW/m2 in a bedroom due a cell station antenna nearby.
Regarding the continuous magnetic fields the readings were strong: 5,65 µT in a bedroom due to a structural intervention around the headboard of the bed.
Regarding the radioactivity the readings were insignificant: -17% increase rate in a bedroom.
Alternating electric fields: readings should be below 1,5 V/m but the ideal would be below 0,3 V/m.
Alternating magnetic fields: readings should be below 100 nT but the ideal would be below 20 nT.
Electromagnetic waves: readings should be below 10 µW/m2 but the ideal would be below 0,1 µW/m2.
Continuous magnetic fields: readings should be below a difference of 2 µT but the ideal would be below 1 µT.
Radioactivity: readings should be below a difference from the background reading of 70% but the ideal would be below 50%.
Alternating electric fields: shielding a neighbour’s wall, by a professional.
Electromagnetic waves: Shielding the façade walls of the bedrooms, by a professional.
Continuous magnetic fields: move bed away from structural intervention.