We breathe 20 m3 of air a day … Do you know what is hidden in it? Workshop at BRC 4t ESO-4CANTONS (Barcelona)

Within the Block of Research, Creation and Service (BRCS in its acronym in Catalan) The air we breathe at the Institut 4Cantons, Biohabita! has given the workshop We breathe 20 m3 of air a day … Do you know what is hidden in it? 

The BRCS are educational spaces built from creation, research and service to people. Biohabita! has done its bit by providing information on those air conditions that are considered optimal and identifying those that reduce its quality.

We have empowered the participating students so that they can act and improve the air they breathe.

Be careful with finishing materials, control humidity and, above all, improve ventilation! 

To learn more:

BRCS al 4Cantons

European Environment Agency/ air quality

Ajuntament de Barcelona/ air quality

Environmental data maps/ air in Barcelona

Generalitat de Catalunya/ air quality observatory

Escola Respira/ program to improve the aire quality in schools

Calidad del aire interior/ Observatorio de salud y medioambient de Andalucía


Mesurant la concentració de CO2 a l'aula

Measuring classroom CO2 concentration

Mesurant la temperatura superficial de les parets

Mesurant classroom walls surface temperature