Cities, houses and health. Which is the natural environment of people? Institut el Joncar (Barcelona)
Monday 9th january we were with the 2nd ESO students of the El Joncar Institute, in Poblenou (Sant Martí-Barcelona).
We gave a workshop on the factors that influence our well-being, comfort and health when designing the cities and buildings we live in.
We have gone over the different factors that should be taken into account when designing cities and buildings.
Air, water, light, noise, temperature, physical activity or technology are some of these factors.
With the help of a compass and a 3D-analogical model of Barcelona’s Eixample, we were able to observe which facades are touched by the Sun and which ones never will be. The orientation and movement of the Sun throughout the day and according to the season of the year must be taken into account.
This workshop is part of the program offered by the CIP (Pedagogical Innovation Council) – PAE (School Activities Program) of Barcelona City Council.

Gamificació amb preguntes MentiMeter

Maqueta Eixample. Exposcicó solar

Institut Joncar. Façana amb Sol