Design from the heart. IEB webinar with Gabi Barbeta

‘El nostre hàbitat humà, la nostra Arquitectura, les nostres obres, són el reflex cristal·litzat dels nostres pensaments, de la nostra forma de ser o d’entendre la vida (Our human habitat, our Architecture, our works, are the crystallized reflection of our thoughts, of our way of being or understanding life). Gabi Barbeta in his book L’Arquitectura de l’Amor.

This Thursday, September 23 at 8:00 p.m., Teresa Monleón (Biohabita!) Will moderate the open webinar organized by the IEB (Instituto Español de Baubiologie) with Gabi Barbeta (Ecoarquitectura) where Architecture will be discussed from a holistic point of view, its relationship with nature and with the well-being and health of people.

We invite you to attend! You just have to register at the following link:

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