Electrosmoke and air quality measurement in a house in Sant Iscle de Vallalta (Barcelona)
Electrosmoke and air quality measurement in a house in Sant Iscle de Vallalta (Barcelona)
The reference values follow the SBM-2015 of the IEB-IBN, except in the case of VOCs that follow the Kaiterra recommendation.
Regarding the altern electric fields measured with the free potential method the readings were strong: 9,6 V/m in a bedroom due to an earthing in bad condition.
Regarding the alternanting magnetic fields the readings were weakly significant: 38 nT in a bedroom.
Regarding the electromagnetic waves, the readings were strong: 810 µW/m2 in a bedroom due to the wifi from the router in the very house.
Regarding the continuous electric fields the readings were extreme: 2.400 V in a bedroom due to a blanket made out of synthetic materials.
Regarding the continuous magnetic fields the readings were strong: 8,9 µT in a bedroom due to the bed metal structure.
Regarding the radioactivity the readings were insignificant: -12,8% increase in the rate in a bedroom.
Regarding the radon gas the readings were extreme: 206 Becquerels in the main bedroom due to the soil composition.
Regarding the indoor relative humidity measured for a full week, the readings were strongly significant: > 70%.
Regarding CO2 concentration in the air the readings have been very seldom strong: 1.400 ppm due to breathing during periods with no ventilation.
Regarding Formaldehid concentration in the air the readings have been extreme during short and very seldom moments: > 300 µg/m3 in the main bedroom.
Regarding VOCs concentration in the air the readings have been “malignant” according to Kaiterra table: >5500 ppb in the main bedroom.
Altern electric fields: readings should be below 1,5 V/m but the ideal would be below 0,3 V/m.
Altern magnetic fields: readings should be below 100 nT but the ideal would be below 20 nT.
Electromagnetic waves: readings should be below 10 µW/m2 but the ideal would be below 0,1 µW/m2.
Continuous electric fields: readings should be below 500 V but the ideal would be below 100 V.
Continuous magnetic fields: readings should be below a difference of 2 µT but the ideal would be below 1 µT.
Radioactivity: readings should be below a difference from the background reading of 70% but the ideal would be below 50%.
Radon gas: readings should be below 60 Becquerels but the ideal would be below 30 Becquerels.
Relative humidity: readings should be between 30 and 70% RH but the ideal would be between 40 and 60% RH.
CO2: readings should be below 1.000 ppm but the ideal would be below 600 ppm.
Formaldehyd: readings should be below 100 µg/m3 but the ideal would be below 50 µg/m3.
VOCs: readings should be below 660 ppb but the ideal would be below 220 ppb according to Kaiterra.
Alternating electric fields: check the efficacy of the earthing by a professional.
Electromagnetic waves: disconnect wifi at least during resting hours.
Continuous electric fields: avoid the use of blanket during sleeping hours.
Continuous magnetic fields: replacing the bed base by an iron free one.
Radon: ventilate frequently.
CO2: sleep with the door open and if possible window open.
Formaldehyde: avoid using insecticides.
VOCs: avoid using insecticide.