We are

BIOHABITA! SCCLP is a cooperative company formed by a diverse group of architects all of whom hold a Masters in Building Biology by the Institut für Baubiologie + Nachhaltigkeit (IBN) – Spanish Baubiologie Institute (IEB) – Universitat de Lleida (UdL).

We are recognized by IEB as one of its consultants for Building Biology. Within the team we have an Electro smoke, air pollutants and microbiological contamination specialist accredited by IBN-IEB.

We are a not-for-profit Professional Limited Cooperative Company.

Our values

As a Cooperative we promote our values, which are: mutual help, responsibility, democracy, equality and solidarity. We believe in ethical values like honesty, transparency, social responsibility and concern for the people and the environment. We put people in the centre and promote democracy and participation.

In our projects we prioritize materials and technologies which promotes human health and are environmentally respectful (energy efficiency, renewal energies, environmental sustainability, toxic free materials, biocompatible systems, local and responsible consumption, green areas and biodiversity promotion, zero waste objective, rain water collecting, waste water treatment, illumination comfort and acoustic comfort).

Social balance

Learn more about us

The team consists of, Carlos Sentmenat Bertrand, Joan Cuevas Pareras and Teresa Monleón Fernández, architects and Masters in Building Biology by the Institut für Baubiologie + Nachhaltigkeit (IBN) – Spanish Baubiologie Institute (IEB) – Universitat de Lleida (UdL). Carlos Sentmenat Bertrand is qualified specialist in building biology testing methods by the IBN.

Pere Cañadas Torres, building engineer, Masters in Building Biology is also qualified specialist in building biology testing methods by the IBN. Partner for the Girona area.


We collaborate

We believe that networking and collaborting complements each other, for this reason we are part of: